Талалаївська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів

Урок англійської мови
 в 7 класі з використанням інтерактивних технологій

Household Chores      

Провела вчитель англійської мови
                                                                         Киричок Т.В.                                                                                     


Тема. Домашні обов’язки.
Мета уроку. Практикувати у вживанні лексики з теми, розвивати навички усного мовлення, тренувати у вживанні  теперішнього неозначеного часу, удосконалювати навички читання й аудіювання;  ознайомити з життям американських підлітків; розвивати вміння учнів працювати в групах; виховувати відповідальне ставлення до виконання своїх обов’язків.
Обладнання. Підручник О.Карпюк English 7”, роздавальний матеріал, інтерактивна дошка.
Хід уроку
І. Організаційний момент:
- привітання;
- мовна розминка «Мозковий штурм».
T:  Look at the pictures. Name the household chores.
Ps: do the washing up, feed the cat, boil potatoes, vacuum the carpet, do the cooking, cut the bread, dry the dishes, fix things, fry eggs, make tea, serve, do the ironing, do shopping, sweep the floor, tidy up the room, walk the dog, do the laundry, water the plants.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1)   Розвиток лексичних навичок.
make                          the table
mop                            breakfast 
take out                     the bed
dust                             the table
lay                               the floor   
clear                            the garbage
prepare                      the furniture

2)   «Мікрофон»
T: Say what you do about the house. Then ask your classmate about it: What about you? And you?

3)   Аудіювання.

T: Listen to the dialogue and find out:

V.1 What does Paul do about the house?
V.2 What are her sister’s household chores?
V.3 What are her mother’s householding duties?
v.4 What does his father do at home?

Use the  words: washing up, cleaning, cooking, shopping, ironing, washing clothes.

-         So Paul, how do the members of your family share the household jobs? For example, who does the washing up?
-         My sister does that. And sometimes I do it. We have a dishwasher and it is not difficult for me to put the dirty dishes into it.
-         Do you do the shopping?
-         No, my parents do the food shopping. They like buying food at the market. And I can only buy some crisps and a can of cola.
-         What about cleaning?
-         I must say that I clean my room every day. I don’t like doing it very much but I have to. My sister usually vacuums the living-room and my mother cleans the kitchen and the bathroom.
-         What about the cooking and ironing? Who does that?
-         Well, these are my sister’s and my mother’s jobs. I can’t cook at all and I hate ironing. But my father is keen on cooking. As he is very busy during the week, he can cook tasty things for us only at the weekend.
-         And who washes clothes in your family?
-         Anybody who has free time. It’s the easiest thing to put the clothes into the washing machine and turn it on. As for me, I wash my clothes myself.
4)   Усне мовлення. Робота в групах.

Work in groups of 6. Every student in the group has his or her number. Ask your question to each member of your group. Then say the results.

In your home…
1.   Who does the shopping?
2.   Who cooks the dinner?
3.   Who does the washing up?
4.   Who tidies up the house?
5.   Who takes out the garbage?
6.   Who does the ironing?  

So, who is the busiest person in the family?

5)   Читання.

Read some information about  American children. What chores are they required to do about the house?

In many countries children are required to do chores around the house.
Chores can be defined as little jobs you do around the house to help keep everything clean and orderly. In the United States many parents ask their children to do chores in order to earn an allowance. An allowance is an amount of money paid on a weekly or monthly basis. Allowances allow children to have some pocket money to spend as they see fit. This can help them learn to manage their own money, as well as help them become more independent as they grow up. Here are some of the most common chores that children are asked to do:
-         clean your room
-         make your bed
-         pick up your clothes
-         wash the dishes
-         wash the car
-         cut the grass
-         pick up your toys
-         pull weeds
-         do the vacuuming
-         repair the computer
-         do the shopping
-         prepare/cook dinner
-         set the table
-         clear the table
-         wash the dishes
-         clean out the fridge or freezer
-         clean the shower or tub
-         clean the toilet
-         do the laundry
-         wash the clothes
-         dry the clothes
-         mop the floor
-         rake the leaves in fall
-         shovel snow in winter
-         mow the lawn

6)   Робота в парах:

Would you like to get an allowance for your household chores?
Which chores from the list do you often do? When do you do it? Discuss it in pairs.

III. Підсумки уроку.
Your hometask is to answer the questions of ex. 4 p. 55
